What's Your Lucky Number?

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Question 1/10

What's your biggest strength?

  • My determination
  • My attention to detail
  • My creativity
  • My uniqueness
  • My loyalty

Question 2/10

What's your greatest weakness?

  • My lack of focus
  • My tendency to be overly dramatic
  • My absent-mindedness
  • My stubbornness
  • My selfishness

Question 3/10

Choose a cute cat:

Question 4/10

Which time period would you most like to live in?

  • Ancient Greece
  • The 1920s
  • The 1950s
  • The 1960s
  • 100 years from now!

Question 5/10

Which sort of exercise do you most like to do at the gym?

  • Swimming
  • Weightlifting
  • Yoga
  • Running
  • All of the above!
  • None of the above. I don't do exercise.

Question 6/10

Choose a lucky charm:

Question 7/10

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

  • Working to make my community a better place
  • Buying a home and starting a family
  • Being the CEO of a successful company
  • Traveling the world and meeting lots of new friends
  • How should I know?

Question 8/10

Pick a chakra:

  • Crown Chakra

Question 9/10

Which superstition do you believe in?

  • Always knock on wood
  • Toss spilled salt over my left shoulder
  • Never break a mirror
  • Never walk under a ladder
  • Never let a black cat cross my path
  • Umm...None?

Question 10/10

There's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! What will you do with it?

  • Put it in the bank!
  • Throw a huge party and spare no expense
  • Invest in some stocks
  • Share it with others who need it more than I do
  • Travel the world
whats your lucky number

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whats your lucky number

5 Lucky Numbers

To find your life path number in numerology, which is the most significant of your lucky numbers, start by breaking down your birth month, day, and year into single digits. Then, add the single digits for each part of your birthday together. Next, add all 3 of those numbers together.

Lucky Number 7
