Harry Potter Fanfic Oh God Not Again

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And then maybe everything didn't piece of work out perfectly for Harry. Withal, well-nigh of his friends survived, he'd gotten married, and was about to become a father. If just he'd have stayed away from the Veil, he wouldn't have had to go back and do everything once again.


Oh God, Not Again is a Harry Potter fanfiction by Sarah1281. An adult Harry gets sent back in time and makes it his goal in life to save as many lives from Voldemort as he tin can. Okay, that's a lie actually. Non to say he doesn't do that, but he spends most of his time enjoying himself and wreaking equally much havoc as possible. As well an Affectionate Parody, people and events are looked at and discussed from a dissimilar perspective when deemed appropriate. Or funny.

Well written and hilarious, this story is completed and comes highly recommended.

Has a Funny page. This is going to exist huge.

Has a darker counterpart in Sisyphus.

Tropes used in Oh God Not Again (Fanfic) include:

  • Adults Are Useless: The adults are more useless than usual, but mainly because they don't take knowledge from the hereafter. Harry does sometimes get them involved on purpose when they can help, such as going direct to Dumbledore when Hagrid gets Norbert.
  • Adult Child: Sirius, so very much. Harry likewise, if you lot go past mental historic period.
  • Antiquity of Allure: Sirius starts to put on the Slytherin Horcrux ring despite Harry warning him that it would kill him. He manages to stop himself when Harry says, "Sirius, if yous put that on and so Snape will have to save your life. SNAPE."
  • Badass Teacher: Sirius takes over as the History of Magic teacher. The badass function comes with the package.
  • Bad Liar: When Ron wonders where Ginny got the extra money she was spending on school supplies (which she got from her cutting of a less-than-accurate book past Lockhart), she freaks out and demands to know if he's implying she stole information technology. Harry thinks to himself that the Weasleys were raised to be honest.
  • Big No: Fred and George when they encounter the Quidditch field is now a hedge and Harry at one of the times Hermione wins fifty points afterward he dedicated himself to losing the House Cup.
  • Bowwow in Sheep'due south Wear: Harry is much more of a Cloudcuckoolander this time round, causing the full general population to view him as somewhere between batshit insane and just total of information technology, but he's - usually - a prissy guy, employing Dumbledore'due south tactics of destroying his foes through politeness and snark. Sometimes, though, he strays right into Magnificent Bitch territory:


Pansy: (After Rita Skeeter's Pentawizard Playoffs article) Stunningly pretty? GRANGER? What was she judged against - a chipmunk?

Harry: I wouldn't talk if I were you, Pansy. Seeing every bit I heard you came in third.


  • Blatant Lies: Used by Harry when a Sarcastic Confession just won't cut it.
    • Subverted in ane case:


Molly: This is much better gossip than concluding yr'due south 'Albus Dumbledore was madly in love with Gellert Grindelwald.' Honestly, you'd think Rita Skeeter would learn to stop making upwards such sensational stories. Evidently Dumbledore was struck speechless past the Blatant Lies and thus couldn't be bothered to deny it.


    • "How do you know that?" "My psychic scar told me."
    • As well, this exchange:


Snape: Is in that location a reason you felt the demand to go running off on a suicidal rescue mission without informing a responsible developed, commencement?

Harry: I did get a responsible adult. Professor Lockhart is a Hogwarts Professor and surely Professor Dumbledore wouldn't have hired him if he didn't take complete faith in him.


  • Cannon Fodder: How the Sorting Hat describes the Gryffindors.
  • Casual Danger Dialog: Harry uses this (along with a great deal of sarcasm) every time he and Voldemort have a showdown.


Voldemort: You have been taught how to duel, Harry Potter?

Harry: I've been taught to drib my wand and summon snakes. Our dueling society was kind of substandard.


  • Complaining About Rescues They Don't Like: Ginny was quite put out by the lack of heroics involved in Harry'south defeat of the basilisk.
  • Conveniently-Timed Attack From Backside: In the final battle, Sirius hits Voldemort from behind.
  • Crazy Prepared: When Pettigrew is caught, Luna pulls out a animagus-proof jar that her male parent had her carry around in example she e'er ran beyond an illegal animagus she wanted to capture.
  • The Cuckoolander Was Right: Luna is the but person to figure out Harry and Sirius time-traveled. It seemed obvious to her. Harry comes off similar this to others, every bit most things he says are bat-shit insane, but slowly people realize that the more over-the-top Harry's predictions are, the more accurate he gets.
  • Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon: When Harry and Lockhart accomplish an understanding of sorts, Harry adds that if he tries to steal one of his accomplishments, he'll crush him to decease with a newspaper napkin.


Lockhart: Tin can y'all beat out someone to death with a paper napkin?

Harry: *shrugs* I'll take fun trying.


  • Beautiful Clumsy Girl: Harry gets Tonks an anti-clumsiness ring to help with her Auror training, merely figures she'll merely wear it for piece of work, suspecting that she likes to exist klutzy.
  • Death by Adaptation: Mrs. Norris ends up killed by the Basilisk during second twelvemonth.
  • Deathbringer the Adorable: Averted, much to Harry'due south dislike. In the original timeline, he and Ginny got a rabbit, and she refused to accept his name proffer of "Mega Ultra Flame Deathsman", instead going with a more standard "Flopsy".
  • Deconstruction Fic: An affectionate, Deconstructive Parody using the Peggy Sue framework. Lampshades hung, inconsistencies trounced flat, and characters attacked at angles that reveal new aspects. And it has a ball doing information technology.
  • Do Not Call Me Paul: Only iii people are allowed to telephone call Tonks by her birth proper name Nymphadora. Two of them are Charlie and Cedric because she lost a bet to each of them (and doesn't make such bets anymore). Remus can telephone call her that as well, though the significance of it escapes him at first.
  • A Dog Ate My Homework: I of the papers Lupin tries to grade was chewed up by the textbook Hagrid assigned.
  • Double Standard: Neville points out to Hermione that attributing their obsession with Quidditch to their gender could be considered sexist.
  • Dragged Into Elevate: Sort of. Draco gets a photograph of Harry in a dress (technically a Boggart Neville fabricated less frightening) and sells them to students equally collectibles. Harry negotiates for a cutting of the profits and is okay with signing them.
  • Everyone Can See Information technology: Ron acts shocked at the idea of asking Hermione to the trip the light fantastic. Harry and Neville point out how obvious his vanquish on her is.
  • Exact Words:


Harry: Wait... Didn't Draco order yous not to try to save my life or to attempt and drive me from the castle?

Dobby: Dobby wasn't trying to save the Great Harry Potter'southward life nor was he trying to send him away from Hogwarts. Dobby was trying to break Harry Potter's arm.


  • Family-Unfriendly Aesop: In-universe. Sirius tells his History of Magic form the story of Voldemort's parents and asks them what the moral is; Lavender suggests, "Don't assume the guy you're feeding honey potions is in love with you and finish."
  • Fantastic Racism: Parodied. Luna asks Snape if he is a Living-ist, or someone who judges based on whether or not a person is dead or live.
    • At one point, it'southward shown that even the Weasleys aren't completely immune to the Pureblood mentality when Ron mentions they never talk about their second cousin who's a Squib (and an accountant). Harry notes that it's to Ron's credit that he doesn't grasp why the cousin is an outcast and that he's invoking this trope unintentionally.
  • Fun with Acronyms: Hermione's house-elf rights organization becomes SHOE- Due southtop Hurting Our Elves.
  • Genius Ditz: Lockhart is however incompetent as a teacher, just Harry admits he'southward a genius when it comes to anything dealing with the media.
  • Proficient Matter Yous Tin can Heal: Or at least, Good Thing Yous Can Get Healed.


Sphinx: Right. Do non worry, though, every bit I am not permitted to kill you. That said, healers can work all sorts of miracles these days.


  • Grammar Nazi: Harry trademarked SPEW for his Grammar Nazi system 'Terminate People Abusing Words.' He chose to spell 'Abusing' with an Due east to be ironic (and brand it fit the acronym).
  • Hand Wave: How Harry goes back in fourth dimension is barely explained and goes against catechism, but the setup barely matters.
  • Difficult Work Hardly Works: Draco points out that Hufflepuff never comes out alee because working difficult is such an ingrained, defining trait of theirs. "What are they going to exercise? Do exactly what they're supposed to do More?"
  • Harsher in Hindsight/Hilarious in Hindsight: An in-universe example. Mentally existence an developed lends Harry a different perspective on many incidents, such every bit now existence horrified at Neville's Hilariously Abusive Childhood or finally getting that Lockhart was joking when he implied he was more famous than Harry.
  • Hypocrite: Harry (affectionately) thinks this when Sirius insists Snape should actually permit become of his resentment. Because Sirius himself is quite mature in those regards.
  • I Reject Your Reality: In a lighthearted version of this, Sirius chooses to pretend he was in Majorca instead of Azkaban for over a decade. Everyone pretty much goes with it.
  • It Tickled Me: Much of what Harry does is to avoid the crap that's going to happen, but most of it he does for the hell of it. The main reason he doesn't tell everybody his actual historic period is that and then everyone will then await him to act like it.
  • Karma Houdini: Lucius gets away with everything he does. Again.
  • Kill It with Fire: Most of the Horcruxes are destroyed using Fiendfyre.
  • Lampshade Hanging: The story is practically made of them.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: When presented with a headline reading "Harry Potter and the Pentawizard Playoffs", Harry muses that information technology sounds like the title of a book...
  • Loophole Abuse: In Harry'south quaternary year, he was supposed to work with antidotes and "turned in a bezoar once again".


Harry: It's kind of expensive, but the look on his confront and the fact that he tin can't technically fail me because the consignment was to discover a way to save someone from the various poisons makes it all worth it.


  • Love Potion: Discussed. When Sirius explains Voldemort's backstory and asks his class what the morale is, Lavender says, "Don't assume the guy your feeding honey potions is in beloved with you and stop?", squicking Seamus out.
  • Mental Time Travel: The way Harry and Sirius end up going back.
  • Mentors: Lockhart mentors Harry in dealing with being a celebrity. They afterward requite advice to Krum.
  • Muggles Practise It Improve: An instance appears to explicate why Theodore, a Slytherin, is in Muggle Studies. When asked why he was there, Theodore noted that his father learned the difficult-way that Muggles weren't every bit harmless as he thought afterwards existence shot on a trip to Las Vegas, and wanted his son to larn as much about Muggles every bit possible.
    • There is also why some students begin to apply pens instead of quills and notebook paper instead of parchment.
  • Only in It For the Coin: Well, Harry'due south not only interested in money, but he does deliberately project this persona, to the point where he manages to convince anybody that he'due south not the Heir of Slytherin, because if he was he would be profiting off information technology.
  • Paranoia Gambit:


Sirius: It's going to have every ounce of my considerable self-command, but I want to expect until [Snape'due south] so paranoid he tin't sleep before I start in on him.


  • Peggy Sue: Harry and Sirius travel back in fourth dimension and fix things. When they don't goof effectually.
  • The Ability of Love: The story has this to say on the bailiwick.


 "...What was that final part?" Sirius asked.

"Remus and Tonks got married?" Harry repeated innocently.

"No, the other last part. The one virtually Voldemort killing you," Sirius clarified.

"Oh, well he killed me and I had a nice chat with Dumbledore's soul who informed me that simply because I was imagining things it didn't make information technology not existent then I got improve."

Sirius but stared at him.

"It gets better," Harry grinned. "Apparently I only survived considering of The Power of Honey."

Sirius groaned. "For the record, when you're telling this to other people, attempt to come up with an explanation that sounds more Badass."


  • Power Trio: Double Subverted. While Harry, Ron, and Hermione become friends like before, Neville is added to the ranks right from the get-go, making them a Power Quartet. However, Ron, Hermione, and Neville end up more than of a unit of measurement without Harry, making them a Ability Trio and him more than of the Draco to their Crabbe and Goyle.
  • Psychic Powers: Harry'southward main excuse for knowing what he does is that his scar is psychic. Annotation that he is not psychic - just his scar. Professor Trelawney calls him a Seer by proxy.
  • Replacement Goldfish: Subsequently Mrs. Norris is killed by the basilisk (the only casualty in that incident), Harry and Mrs. Figg send Filch a kitten to Sirius's horror. She's seen working alongside him like Norris had and he seems to similar her.
  • The Rival: Draco, but in a way that is far more friendly than in canon. Neither likes the other's friends and they sometimes don't speak to each other, merely generally they are on rather good terms. It may be best described every bit a cross between this and Vitriolic Best Buds.
  • Sarcastic Confession: Harry constantly tells the truth about how he knows sure things, stating specifically that no i would believe the truth. Now and so, he merely uses Blatant Lies.
  • Scaled Up: Harry's animagus form is a snake. He uses it to capture Pettigrew.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Money: Harry is constantly able to bribe government officials for whatever he wants, including a Fourth dimension Turner for Hermione and a pardon for Sirius.
  • Set Right What In one case Was Wrong: Harry spends fourth dimension defeating Voldemort earlier with a far lower torso count, but admits that the future he came from was pretty skillful anyhow.
  • She Is Non My Girlfriend:


Remus: Nymphadora is not my girlfriend!

Harry: She lets you lot phone call her Nymphadora.


  • Shout-Out:
    • Luna has seen The Princess Bride and read The Picture of Dorian Gray.
    • Moody mentions The Dark Side, unintentionally referencing Star Wars to Harry'southward amusement.
    • Harry tries to convince Cedric that the Keen Pumpkin is real.
    • Harry and Sirius quote lines from Pinky and The Encephalon.
    • At one betoken, Draco smiles, and Harry narrates:
    • At one point, Snape lampshades this trope.


Snape: POTTER! Enough about your mythological creatures and your obscure Muggle literature!


  • Stunned Silence: The Death Eaters' reaction when Harry throws off Voldemort'due south Imperio Expletive and proceeds to rima oris off at him.
  • Stupidest Thing I've E'er Heard:


Harry: [Dobby's] apparently gotten information technology into his caput that Hogwarts is a walking death trap and therefore I'm better off with my Muggle relatives and in item my Muggle uncle who could snap at whatever time and try and strangle me. Therefore, he sealed the portal to the platform and Ron and I got bored so we decided not to expect for everyone to set up the mess and just fly here.

Draco: That has got to be the stupidest thing I've always heard.


    • And later...


George: Besides, the Slytherin team apparently couldn't find anybody to spy every bit they showed upwards in person. And full Quidditch gear.

Harry: Why in the earth are they wearing their Quidditch robes to practice in? That has got to be the stupidest thing I've seen all day.

Fred: All day isn't very long, Harry. It can't be more than ten.


  • Sure, Let's Get with That: Played for laughs in Chapter 35.


Sirius: Peak box. Information technology was part of my reparation. Of course, the rest of it went to buying Harry a Firebolt simply...

Harry: You don't heed because I'm your godson and you love me?

Sirius: ...Let's go with that, certain.


  • Surrounded past Idiots: Harry only considers well-nigh of the human population to exist mindless sheep.
    • "Harry, yous've predicted 'I will be besieged past the general stupidity of the population' iii times this month!" "Just three times? Looks like it's going to be a good month so."
  • Trickster Classic: The starting time affair Harry does when coming together the Weasley twins (again) is trick them into starting a rumor, stunning them and Ron. He later encourages others to attempt to lose the House Cup, calling it a "Suck-upwards" Cup. Then there'due south, well, everything else he does...
  • Troperiffic: Tropes are invoked, discussed and parodied all the time. Several tropes are even mentioned past name - Blatant Lies, Cannon Provender, The Power of Love, Unexplained Recovery, UST and Unresolved Sexual Tension (spelled both ways, in fact)...
  • Uncle Pennybags: Harry both makes and spends money far more than extravagantly this time around.
  • Unresolved Sexual Tension: Harry points out that Ron and Draco's rivalry looks suspiciously like this (Hermione finds it hilarious while it goes right over Ron's head). He later thinks Ron and Hermione's relationship clearly falls under this also.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Harry and Draco. See The Rival above.
  • A Sorcerer Did It: A couple times, when someone asks how Harry knows something, he says it'south "Magic" and refuses to elaborate.
  • Worst Any Ever: Sirius calls himself the worst guardian e'er after Harry dies again. Harry assures him he couldn't perhaps be worse than the Dursleys were. For some reason, Sirius doesn't notice this comforting.
  • Worth It: In a rare serious example, Harry has to tell himself that it'due south worth it to exist obnoxious to Voldemort even when he's beingness hit by yet another Crucio curse.


Source: https://tropedia.fandom.com/wiki/Oh_God_Not_Again_%28Fanfic%29

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