Sining Over Again and Again Is Wrong

When I was 16 years old I asked my mother, "If I am saved and then why do I sin and feel so guilty about it? How am I supposed to be adept?" I struggled with feelings of guilt, shame and condemnation for several years in my Christian journey. At times, I was absolutely crushed and felt like I was constantly failing.

Have y'all always felt this way? It'due south non that you don't care when y'all sin. It'southward definitely not that yous desire to sin. Y'all genuinely want to please the Father. Even so you keep struggling, particularly with that besetting sin (Heb. 12:1, KJV). Over and over once more you vow that you volition stop. You weep out to the Father "Why do I go along doing this? I've been praying about information technology!" Y'all're disappointed in yourself and experience as if yous've let God down, notwithstanding again.

The Discussion of God has unlimited ability to help y'all deepen your relationship with God, overcome guilt and then consistently say no to sin.

Conviction Comes for a Practiced Reason

We are chosen to live a holy life (1 Thess. 4:7, KJV) and so it is natural to feel bad nearly sin. As a born again Christian, yous feel remorseful and sin can weigh heavily on your conscience. So how do you experience guilty and ashamed, but not condemned? Past non relying on your emotions or feelings. You may feel bad but the Lord does not condemn y'all when He's saved you.

The Holy Spirit convicts usa of sin. Therefore, nosotros are to accept conviction and any negative feeling as Godly sorrow that leads us to repentance. God has already told us that all have sinned and fallen short of the celebrity of God (Rom. 3:23, KJV). No man is without sin. That'south settled. So let go of that tremendous amount of force per unit area you put on yourself to live a life of sinless perfection. Release it correct now. Believe and receive this with childlike organized religion.

Do I Deserve Forgiveness?

When God called me into ministry building, how I felt nearly sin was one of the get-go things He wanted to address. I felt guilty, ashamed and like I was so worthless. I didn't deserve forgiveness. Often times, I did not ask for it because I believed that I deserved the consequences of my actions. I could not walk in the fullness of Christ carrying that burden.

He led me to Romans half dozen-8. I must have read those chapters a hundred times. I was confused in role considering I was leaning to my own agreement (Prov. 3:5, KJV). Instead of trying to sympathise information technology with intellect, I should have been seeking God fervently in His Word and for His divine revelation and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

I was determined and persistent to understand Romans half-dozen-eight so I pursued and submitted to Him. He humbled me in this way, moved me out of the fashion and prepared my heart. I heard a message past Joyce Meyer discussing this very topic and my spiritual eyes and ears were opened. I received the revelation from the Holy Spirit. "I have power over sin. My Father secured this when He died on the cross and rose from the dead. He is my ruler, not sin."

Close Down the Pity Party

Now I was gear up to larn His ways and encompass the truth. God revealed that how I felt meant nothing. How I performed meant zip. My feelings and performance were simply works of the flesh in that I was trying to alter myself and stop sinning. I had not fully surrendered, allowing God to change me. He made me this promise, "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a expert piece of work in y'all will perform information technology until the twenty-four hours of Jesus Christ" (Phil. 1:half-dozen, KJV). The most meaning function of this scripture is that He would exercise it, not me.

He delved deeper by showing me that I was choosing to dwell on my own emotions and self-compassion instead of Him. Being defenseless up in the guilt I felt virtually my sin kept my mind on myself. I had to shut down the pity party in society to continue my listen on Him. I'll acknowledge that information technology was hard to get to a identify where I could say these things most myself, but I just had to allow become of my pride.

The cracking Apostle Paul said, "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: only this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before," (Phil. iii:13, KJV). Was I willing to accept this precious gift of freedom from the law and power over sin (Rom. 6:14, KJV)? Yeah I was. I did not want to conduct the weight of guilt, failing, shame or condemnation anymore. It was paralyzing. More than importantly, I now understood that my Father sent His son to carry this weight for me.


The Word of God is A Powerful Weapon

He instructed me to use the Discussion as my sword. When the enemy tried to attack with accusations, I used the Give-and-take as my weapon and believed God when He said, "In that location is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk non after the flesh, but after the Spirit" (Rom. 8:1, KJV). I was promised an eternal life with Him and the power to say no to sin in this life.

This is a critical moment. You are faced with the fact that you have sinned. Emotions are running loftier. The enemy is whispering lies into your ears. You're overwhelmed with feelings of guilt and/or shame. But now is the time! Will you choose to believe that while you may accept sinned, you are not condemned?

God told me that it was imperative that I be prepared. I was led to discover scriptures that addressed my specific struggles and say them out loud. "I am not my own. I was bought at a price. I offer my trunk equally a living sacrifice." Will the enemy try to defeat you? Yeah. Volition he try to convince you lot that the living Give-and-take of God is not truthful because you've sinned? Yes. Will he endeavor to silence y'all? Aye. Simply you accept been set gratuitous from sin so speak!

Did Jesus not speak the living Word when the enemy came to tempt Him? The truth of God's Word was a direct response to defend against the smooth sounding lies of the devil. In faith, follow His example and speak His Word to yourself and Satan, as well as believe it.  You are already an overcomer of your sin through Christ.


Observe Confidence & Joy in Your Conservancy

Then finally, the quantum! When y'all consistently believe God's Word, you remain steadfast and are no longer a slave to your emotions or feelings. Considering you are God'south child and your name is written in the Book of Life, you lot don't experience guilt or shame to the point of condemnation or shell yourself up anymore. He's fabricated this existent to your heart and nothing tin can milk shake it. You lot have been freed from the power of sin! You only enquire for forgiveness, apologize and keep pressing toward the marker. When temptation comes at you again, your stronger faith will assistance you persevere.

Yous may think to yourself "How do I know this will piece of work?" considering you've struggled with this for such a long time — so did I. But His grace, the guidance of the Holy Spirit and believing that what He says is the only truth got me through. I refuse to entertain guilt and information technology is only through Him that this is possible. He'south given you lot the ability to refuse it as well.


Let God's Beloved for Y'all Carry You

Now I know this and I want you to know and receive information technology too. God delights in y'all (Ps. 149:4, KJV). You are the apple of His heart (Zech. 2:8, NIV). The next time the enemy tries to set on, set your mind and believe these wonderful truths!

Your Father is admittedly in dear with you lot. There is never a time when he doesn't want to hear from you, especially if you lot've sinned. He doesn't condemn you lot. He gazes upon you with such tenderness and care. He is your best friend and wants to fellowship with y'all, talk over your 24-hour interval, laugh with you lot, and tell you secrets. Continue to bask in His presence and honey and by default, you will sin less and less throughout your walk with Christ.

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Nekea is a writer for P4CM. She is also an abstract painter who uses her God-given talents to inspire and encourage people in their walk with Christ. She is a married woman of a man who loves her every bit Christ loved the church. For more than information about her writing services, click her name to link to her website.


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